Vinyl L.P • Apple Records • SKAO-3376.
1971 • U.S.A.
Back cover.
Inner getefold.
Liner notes:
Side One
Govinda 4:39
Sri Gurvastakam 3:07
Bhaja Bhakata/Arati 8:28
Hare Krsna Mantra 3:30
Side Two
Sri Isopanisad 4:00
Bhaja Hunre Mana 8:43
Govinda Jaya Jaya 5:54
Produced by George Harrison
Balance Engineer: Ken Scott
Recorded in London, England
Orchestral arrangements on Govinda by John Barham
All titles trad. arr. Mukunda Das Adhikary Radha Krsna Temple, London
All titles published by Apple Music Publishing Co., Inc. — ASCAP
Inside liner photographs: Rathayatra
Festival 1970 and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, India circa 1500
Back cover photograph: His Divine Grace
Sri Srimad 108 Tridandi Goswami A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Designed by John Kosh
Apple Records, 1700 Broadway, N.Y. 10019
Krsna consciousness is not merely for renunciates. Krsna realization is practiced as actively by “working” men and women as by full-time devotees. Krsna says in Bhagavadgita (3.4,7), “Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction, nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection. On the other hand, he who controls the senses by the mind and engages his active organs in works of devotion, without attachment, is by far superior.” All connections with Krsna, although from apparently different angles, occur in the absolute realm and are therefore equal. Persons of any occupation, nationality, age, religion, etc., can, by Krsna consciousness, easily award themselves and those around them the highest benefit. All this is possible because Krsna consciousness is a very potent system of yoga called bhakti-yoga. Yoga means “link” or “linking with God.” Bahkti is the topmost process in the yoga system and includes raja, karma, jnana, sankya, mantra, kriya and all other yogic methods. Bhakti means devotion and provides the most direct contact between us, finite living entities, and the infinite energy of the Lord.
Throughout the world, massive amounts of capital are disbursed every year on education in an attempt to improve the quality of human beings. But it is uncertain as to whether the desired result is being achieved. Krsna consciousness is a process of plain living and high thinking which is producing men and women of character. These people show by example that a world, as well as a society, based on highest religious principles and with God at the center, is the way to real peace and happiness.
Your life will be sublime!
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