A Tale Of Four Beatles, Lennon & McCartney (Songwriters) LTD.
Beatle song: Please Please Me.
THANKS A MILLION for all your letters, I'm very pleased that so many Beatle People liked the first edition of the Beatles’ own monthly magazine, I've made a big list of all your comments and suggestions and will try to include as many as possible in the mear future.
IT HAD TO HAPPENS !! But you've got to admit that when we make a mistake, we make a nice big one, YES, we did get George's age wrong in his feature. We've got a large book in the office labelled “ Beatle Facts,” in which we list all the details about the boys. George's birthday was incorrectly put down as 25th February, 1942, when of course it should have been 1943, Many apologies to George, who IS the YOUNGEST of the Beatles.
IN THIS EDITION there is 4 large centre-page portrait of John Lennon, George, Paul and Ringo will be featured in editions 3, 4 and 5. Just to make everything completely fair, we put the four names in a hat and drew one out to see who should have the first centre-page. John won and I hope you like the result.
THERE IS ALSO Part 1 of “A TALE OF FOUR BEATLES,” which deals with their early days at school. Billy Shepherd, who is writing the story, has gone to a great deal of trouble to get all the true facts. He found that some reporters have been making up things about the boys, I can’t understand why, because the truth is fascinating enough.
IF ANY OF YOU have any personal knowledge or facts about The Beatles, which you think might interest our readers I hope you will write and tell me all about it,
PLEASE DON'T FORGET to send a stamped addressed envelope if you want a reply to your letter. It helps us to speed things up a lot.
See vou in We. 3,
Johnny DeanEditor.
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